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Poole Streetscape Manual

Musts, Shoulds, and Coulds

Section 7.2 of the Streetscape Design Manual identifies the following factors in relation to the implementation of a core strategy for Art:


  • All architectural or landscape schemes submitted for planning consent must include a Public Art Strategy devised by a suitably qualified individual.
  • An artist or artists must be fully involved from the earliest stage in/of each new development, the creation of a new space, or the regeneration of an old one.
  • The Streetscape design must incorporate both permanent, site specific artworks commissioned for Poole and created by professional artists or craftsworkers, and also 'integrate artists' work into the streetscene, either as useful components or as artworks in their own right' (the Manual calls this sort of commission 'Infrastructure as Artwork'). Art will be integrated with such things as the architectural features of buildings, landscaping designs, street furniture and signage.


  • New developments should provide other opportunities for artists to temporarily animate the streetscene, thereby enabling local communities to take an interactive involvement in the regeneration project (the Manual gives as examples hoardings around building sites, and artists' wildflower planting on undeveloped sites).
  • Regular or one-off live events, performances, installations or festivals should be programmed as part of a strategy to 'bring vitality to the public realm' both during the development phase, and when the development is completed, to maintain the extended use of new public spaces.


  • Performance, participative and temporary art projects could be a valuable and innovative part of the essential consultation process with end users, the public and specific interest groups.