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Plymouth City Council

Draft Design Supplementary Planning Document (Sustainable Design in Plymouth)

The Draft Design Supplementary Planning Document – Sustainable Design in Plymouth, seeks to provide guidance to developers, on design issues. National guidance acknowledges that good design is fundamental in designing sustainable new communities, as such there are already many publications by National Government or Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE), such as ‘By Design’ and the ‘Urban Design Compendium’ which provide general design guidance to architects and developers. All of these documents are useful and should be used in order to aid the evolution of development proposals. However the aim of this document is to apply that general guidance to the Plymouth context, providing more detailed guidance about the distinctive elements of Plymouth and how the unique characteristics of Plymouth need to be recognized and used to inform new development.

Design in this respect is used in its broadest context and will not only relate to the visual appearance of the built environment, but will also to issues regarding sustainable construction, biodiversity, community safety and the historic environment. It expands upon and provides a further level of detail to the policies set out in the adopted Core Strategy.

The aim of the document is to add value to the policies in the Core Strategy and in doing so will also add value to the quality of development within the City. The document is designed to be thought provoking and to aid the design process by asking relevant questions about key issues that need to be considered. The output will be development that has taken all of the necessary issues into account and thus lifting the quality of development within the City for the future.

The Draft Sustainable Design in Plymouth Supplementary Planning Document completed its consultation phase on the 21st December 2007. Work has begun on amending the document in response to the comments made and it is intended that a finalised supplementary planning document will be adopted by the Council during 2008.

Download the Supplementary Planning Guidance as an Adobe Acrobat format document, 768KB (extract: Tall Buildings and Street Life and Public Realm).

Further details: Chris Coldwell, Senior Project Manager, Development Projects Team, Transport, Infrastructure & Engineering Service,

Plymouth City Council. Tel: 01752 305598; Email: [email protected].

Planning documents for Plymouth including the full SPG are available from:


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