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PASW Regional Newsletter: Spring 2006

Public Art South West Update

Welcome to the bi-annual newsletter of Public Art South West. The newsletter has two main functions: to report on the bi-annual Regional Network meeting and to highlight current public art activity and issues, with a focus on the south west region.

This edition contains information on a range of projects and initiatives, which we hope you will find of interest: General Public Agency's work in Dorset, the Barnstaple Regeneration Schemes, Zest: Arts for Health Project in Plymouth, the Artcare Programme in Salisbury and details of the next Regional Network meeting, which will address the complicated area of de-commissioning public art.

PASW promotes the sharing of information and experiences so that we can all learn from each other's activity. Therefore we are always interested in hearing about new initiatives and programmes. So please remember to contact us if you have projects you would like us to feature either in this newsletter or on