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Awards: Round Four, November 2005: Property Design Derbyshire

Property Design
Derbyshire, East Midlands

Derbyshire County Council

Walter Jack

Project partners
Jaci Brumwell, Deputy Director, Cultural & Community Services Department
David Harvey, Director of Environmental Services, Derbyshire County Council
Adam Lathbury, Urban Design Officer, Derbyshire County Council
Vicki Cambell, Arts Development Officer, Derbyshire Arts Officers Group

Visionary Award £15,000

Value of design phase

Estimated value of construction phase
£40 million

Project description
This project promotes a unique, strategic development initiative from a county council in the East Midlands keen to place an artist within its Property Design Practice and influence a number of capital building projects in 2006/2007. Current projects include a SureStart nursery, new primary and secondary schools, library refurbishment and new business centre. It is anticipated that the capital projects portfolio in 2006/07 will be circa £40 million in value and include at least one new primary school. By placing an artist within a multi-disciplinary team responsible for design procurement aims to give considerable scope to influence the content of development briefs, design quality and arts development, a strategic opportunity which is acknowledged by the Derbyshire Arts Officers Group.

Further details

Ann Wright, Assistant Head of Arts, Derbyshire County Council
Tel: 01773 832497 e-mail: [email protected]

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