Great Shelford Public Art Scheme: Artist’s Brief
Deadline: August 12, 2011
Great Shelford Public Art Scheme: Artist’s Brief
Great Shelford is one of South Cambridgeshire's larger villages with a population of approximately 4,000. It is situated about 4 miles south of the city of Cambridge.
Hill Residential Limited was granted full planning permission and conservation area consent on 26 November 2010 for the conversion of the former Old School House Building, demolition of 49 Woollards Lane, greengrocer’s shop and the construction of an Over 55s scheme comprising 25 residential units in total (refs: S/0790/10/F and S/0791/10/CAC). As part of the Section 106 agreement relating to the above planning permission and conservation area consent, there is provision for a public art scheme with a capital contribution of £13,000 by Hill Residential. The first part of the scheme has been completed with the approval of the District Council. This brief addresses the second part of the public art scheme worth £7,000.
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