
Reflections on Collaboration - Feasibility and Sustainability
Public Art South West has commissioned public artist Lee Simmons to write about her practice, specifically the various collaborative methods she has been part of and how sustainable they may or may not be.
Read moreCollaboration
Consultation in Public Art PracticeCollaboration
The Art of Illumination: What role do artists play in lighting our public realm?Collaboration
An Artist's Perspective: Remember What Jack Said More collaborationPractical advice

Commissioning Guidelines
Vivien Lovell, Director of Modus Operandi Art Consultants has developed detailed guidelines for commissioning public art; a vital checklist for anyone starting on a new project.
View the checklistPolicies and guidance
Landcom Public Art Guidelines, New South Wales, AustraliaContracts and copyright
Public Art Commissions - Good PracticeThe healthcare sector
When the Architects Leave: Maintaining artwork in the hospital environment More practical adviceReports

Art in the Travelling Landscape: Hi-Views
Art & the Travelling Landscape is an art project focused on the National Cycle Network, a sustainable transport infrastructure with 12,000 miles of safe cycling and walking routes.
Read the report