A new series of geocache trails created by artists
Date uploaded: August 3, 2011
A new series of geocache trails created by artists.
Hunt for creative finds among the spectacular landscapes of North Yorkshire, explore what the region has to offer and engage with new art interventions along the way.
Chrysalis Arts have commissioned a series of geocaches created by artists, inviting you to explore different locations across North Yorkshire whilst experiencing different artforms along the way. Commissioned artists have been asked to engage with geocaching in their own way. Bringing a creative aspect and interacting with the surrounding area, the project has so far involved artist books, digital art, sound and community arts activities.
WHAT IS GEOCACHING? Geocaching: the high-tech treasure hunting game played throughout the world by adventure seekers equipped with GPS devices. The basic idea is to locate hidden containers, called geocaches, outdoors and then share your experiences online at geocaching.com.
In a nutshell: Geocaching is like treasure hunting with a GPS. Geo Art Cache is finding art or engaging in a creative experience, using a GPS to get there. Once you find the cache, there will be instructions inside to tell you what to do. http://www.geoartcache.com/