WICK SESSION #8 RE-USE at Cre8 in Hackney Wick, London
Thursday 14th February, 6.30pm
ABOUT: Wick Session No8 will bring together practitioners and researchers working in the field of material Re-use.
Artist Folke Köbberling will introduce works from her collaboration with Martin Kaltwasser which extensively engages with the re-use of waste. Moira Lascelles from the Architecture Foundation will present findings of her recent research into Re-Use centres and how they could be applied in East London. Daren Howarth will introduce his experiences with Earthsips, a low carbon, self build passive house, and Thomas Pausz will revisit the Community Shed project which surveyed the self build sheds of the former Manor Gardens allotments site.
The evening will be hosted at the Cre8 Centre in Hackney Wick, who are in the midst of planning the Cre8 Arc, an ambitious self build project which will be build re-using materials from the Olympic site. A short introduction to the Cre8 Arc project will be followed by presentations from the invited guests with enough space for an open exchange.
WHERE: Cre8 Centre – The Old Baths, 80 Eastway, London E9 5JH.
WHEN: 14th February 2013 – 6.30pm.
HOW MUCH: Wick Sessions are free and open to anyone who wants to take part.
Venues change with every event.
No reservation necessary.
HOLD IT!: Folke Köbberling and Martin Kaltwasser develop interventions for urban spaces which re-use existing structures, thus questioning the familiar way of dealing with urban architecture in subtle, often humorous ways. Their projects tackle issues around grass root participation and self-organization, market economics, sustainability and the scarcity of resources.
CLOSED LOOPS IN MEANWHILE CONSTRUCTION: Moira Lascelles from the Architecture Foundation will present her recent research commissioned by the London Legacy Development Corporation which examine a selection of national and international case studies of creative re-use.
GROUNDHOUSE - THE EXPLORATION OF SHELTER: Daren Harwarth will present the lessons he has learnt from building the Brighton Earthship, and the more advanced Brittany Groundhouse. Daren will include an update on earthship developments globally, as well as the newly re-launched site dedicated to The Exploration of Shelter, www.Groundhouse.com.
REVISITING THE COMMUNITY SHED: In 2007 Thomas Pausz met a group of allotments owners and initiated a dialogue about their life at Manor Gardens – a former allotment site, which had been de-located to make way for the Olympic Park. Based on the description of the techniques and materials given by the original users of the shed, Thomas Pausz re-built the shelter, this time right out in the center of London, to host an annual gardeners’ meeting. REVISITING is a celebration of memory and of community survival against the odds.
CRE8 ARC: Cre8 Lifestyle Centre is new community resources in Hackney Wick comprising of more than 3000 square feet of expansive event space across two rooms, with several other generous studios and galleries, providing an alternative venue for hire. Cre8 is in the midst of planning the Cre8 Arc, an ambitious self build project based on sustainable eco-construction principles. www.cre8lifestylecentre.org.uk
WICK SESSIONS are a series of talks, seminars and walks dedicated to Hackney Wick and its surrounding area, bringing together a wide range of voices and expertise. Wick Sessions provide a public forum for debate and exchange, with the aim of creating a shared body of local knowledge around issues of bottom up and sustainable developments. Wick Sessions are part of R-urban Wick a project by public works and AAA as part of R-URBAN. The current series of Wick Sessions are supported by the London Legacy Development Corporation.
R-Urban is a bottom-up strategy that explores the possibilities of enhancing the capacity of urban resilience by introducing a network of resident-run facilities. It initiates locally closed ecological cycles that will support the emergence of alternative models of living, producing and consuming. R-urban is supported by the EU Life+ Programme of environmental governance. The project partners are AAA, Paris (coordinator), the City of Colombes and public works, London.