London Borough of Redbridge
Public Art Strategy
London Borough of Redbridge is committed to the quality of the built environment and recognises the contribution the arts can make to the regeneration agenda and to fulfilling various Council policies including improving quality of life, producing high quality and sustainable environmental solutions, and fostering genuine community participation and civic pride. This strategy recognises that the qualities of Public Art are the most beneficial when there is genuine public involvement in the process and when artists and crafts people are involved at an early stage.
London Borough of Redbridge will seek to provide Public Art through:
- Direct commissions as part of Council capital projects
- Negotiations with developers
- Voluntary commissions by a range of private, public and voluntary organisation
- Initiatives led by artists and arts organisations
The purpose of this strategy is to embed Public Art within all the Council’s activities relating to the built and natural environment. The Public Art Strategy will most effectively contribute to the Council’s overall vision by pursuing the following aims and objectives.
Follow this link to download the strategy as an Adobe Acrobat document: 848 KB
Simon Marshall, Public Art Officer
London Borough of Redbridge
Central Library
Clements Road
Ilford Essex
IG1 1EA.
Tel: 0208 7082818
Email [email protected]