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PASW Regional Newsletter: Spring 2005

Next Regional Network Meeting

PASW's next regional network meeting is on Tuesday 12 April 2005, at Lyngford House Conference Centre, nr. Taunton . The topic for the meeting is 'You can't put that there!': health and safety issues in relation to public art commissioning. Health and safety is always an important consideration when undertaking any public art activity. However, it can become a highly restrictive set of conditions if not considered as part of the creative solution. Speakers include the artist, Walter Jack, Nadar Mokhtari of Manage Limited and Paul Talbot of Crest Nicholson.

Further information is included with this mailing. Please note, that on this occasion the meeting will be starting at the later time of 2pm.

At our last meeting we handed out evaluation sheets and received some very useful feedback which will inform the programme of future meetings.

The purpose of the network meetings, is to provide regular opportunities for people to come together for an afternoon to hear about public art issues and topics in depth and to meet others who are working in the sector. When we first introduced these meetings, over seven years ago, we did undertake an extensive period of research. The findings demonstrated that people would welcome ëshort sharp' sessions at low cost. Therefore we decided to keep the cost very low by keeping to a minimum the level of administration and by not providing lunch.

We do stress on the booking form that no further information will be sent unless there is a problem with the booking. The agenda and details of the venue are supplied at this time and on the day we provide a list of delegates and further information about the speakers. We are not able to circulate the delegates list in advance, as we do allow people to book up until the last minute, if spaces are still available. We also do not include, as a matter of routine in every meeting, detailed information on public art practice in the South West or information on Public Art South West, as this is always available to those interested via.

We hope you appreciate this approach, as it allows us to provide a continuously high quality programme of meetings.