Warwick Bar Soundwalk
Briefs, report and schedule of works
Architect’s Brief, 2005
The original architect’s brief for the preparation of a masterplan for the development of the site under the control of ISIS on Fazeley Street, Birmingham, known as Warwick Bar.
Download the Architect’s Brief as an Adobe Acrobat file, 44KB
Artist’s Brief, 2006
The brief drawn up by MADE for a lead artist to join the masterplanning team for the Warwick Bar redevelopment site.
Download the Artist’s Brief as an Adobe Acrobat file, 224KB
Artist’s Schedule of Works, April 2006
This document is a summary of the extent of Liminal’s proposed involvement in the Warwick Bar Masterplanning project and was been developed following meetings with MADE, Kinetic and in response to the following documents: Architect’s Brief – Warwick Bar Development; Artist’s Brief; ISIS Waterside Regeneration Sustainability Charter V3.3; Complexity and Contradiction in Eastside: Kinetic AIU Limited; Lead Artist’s Contract.
Download the Schedule of Works as an Adobe Acrobat file, 92KB
Interim Report, October 2006
This report sets out the work that Liminal undertook as Lead Artists for the Warwick Bar Masterplan, as at October 2006.
Download the Interim Report as an Adobe Acrobat file, 1.19MB