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PASW Regional Newsletter: Autumn 2001

Bath... (...A city centre strategy for public art)

This study was commissioned by the City Initiative: Transport and Environment Team of Bath and North East Somerset from Roger Dickinson, 'Year or the Artist' artist in residence with the CI:TE Team, June 2000 - March 2001. That this study is written by an artist - one who is more usually concerned with the creative, critical and more especially the practical aspects of public art and environmental design - and not by an arts administrator or curator is perhaps an important distinction that says much about the working methods and priorities of the CI:TE team. It is proposed to identify a series of places within the city where a range of proposals for artistic enhancement will be provided. The study also offers curatorialadvice regarding a range of themes and materials appropriate to the context.

The CI:TE project aims to improve the legibility of Bath's city centre for all users and increase the distinctiveness of Bath, making it a desirable destination for both visitors and local people. The public art programme is a key element within a wider environmental strategy planned to enhance the image of streets and public spaces by commissioning new street furniture, signage and the introduction of a priority access point and a city centre 20mph zone. It is intended that this programme of works will promote better use (and better design) throughout Bath by all those who occupy and visit the city. Included in a programme of environmental improvements is a recognition of the role that public art can play. Public art will make a positive contribution to the regeneration of Bath, revitalising its public spaces, bringing more sharply into focus the sense of place and identity which continues to bring so many visitors to Bath.

Roger Dickinson, YOTA Artist in Residence