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PASW Regional Newsletter: Autumn 2001

Regional Projects - Public Art Initiatives within Cotswold District Council

% for Art Social Housing

Cotswold District Council have initiated a partnership between four housing associations to undertake a programme of building small developments of new homes to rent throughout the Cotswolds. As part of the programme they are committed to spending one percent of the development costs on commissioning public art.

Housing officers and developers have been guided through the process of selection and commissioning of artwork, this has included the production of a pack which lays out easy to follow guidelines to assist when undertaking a public art project.

Some significant commissions have already been made including a pocket park at the former Cirencester Football Ground and railings at Queen Elizabeth Road in Cirencester. It is expected that the next twelve months will see a number of commissions, large and small from the partnership.

% for Art within Council buildings and new developments

The percent for art policy also encompasses any major refurbishment or new development of Council owned buildings. This has led to the commissioning of three stained glass pieces by artist Sasha Ward to be included in the refurbishment of the main Council offices in Cirencester.

A public art element is also being included in each stage of the Cirencester Traffic and Environment Plan and the new spine road development near the Cotswold Water Park.

Tetbury Style

Cotswold District Council and its commissioned public art advisor has been advising Tetbury Town Council on how to achieve what has been named a 'Tetbury Style', for future town planning and street furniture acquisition. It is suggested that artists are invited to take part in a consultation project with communities to determine a style and design direction for the town. The Artists will be required to produce a report and exhibition which recommends palettes of colour, materials, identifies sites and needs, street furniture and wider design implications for street scapes which will be harmonious to the town. The project will be led by a professional Artist, a professional Photographer and the Town Council, working in partnership with local Artist groups and others. It is hoped that the project will raise awareness of community creativity, improve local identity, and take an informed and strategic approach to improvements to the streetscape.

A la Cart Art

Cotswold District Council hosted a Year of the Artist project, and developed a project to put Artists work on the side of the entire fleet of dustcarts.

Local Artists working in literature and visual arts were selected to produce works which were transferred onto panels and fixed to the carts. The project was launched in August 2000, with highly successful media coverage, including local and national T.V, local radio, regional and local press, and later coverage in specialist publications.

The project was a great success, and showed excellent corporate working with members, officers, workers in cultural services, PR, admin, the Depot, the Town Council and others, working together. Although this was a relatively small and enjoyable initiative, it has served to highlight the need for arts and cultural services to rural areas, and to people who may feel intimidated by galleries or what they see as 'High Art'.

Margaret Mernagh, Leisure Services, Cotswold District Council.