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PASW Regional Newsletter: Spring 2002

Regional Projects - Mutley Plain Regeneration Initiative

Public Art & Environmental Improvement Programme

Location: Mutley Plain, Plymouth

Plymouth City Council is working in partnership with local groups, including Mutley Community Association, Mutley Traders and Business Association, and Mutley Baptist Church, in order to deliver the Mutley Plain Regeneration Initiative, a package of improvements that links community safety concerns, access issues, environmental improvements and public art. The total budget for the programme of public art and environmental improvements which forms a key element of the overall initiative is £200,000 made up of funding from the Single Regeneration Budget (SRB) and the National Lottery through the Arts Council of England.

An important step in the development of the public art and environmental improvement proposals was the setting up of a commissioning team - an informal group made up of the key project partners, city council officers and supporting arts professionals. Within the broad theme of the 'greening' of Mutley Plain the commissioning team has recommended five artwork commissions. They are:

  • Seating & Planters (Andrew Skelton)
  • Small scale Sculptures (Janet Stoyel)
  • Artwork along the Central Reservation (Steve Geliot)
  • Film Artist in Residence (Lotta Petronella)
  • Website (Stuart Moore)

The project is due for completion in the spring.

Please visit, the project's website: for further details.

Jo Atkey

Area Regeneration Co-ordinator

Plymouth City Council

T 01752 307823 F 01752 304941