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PASW Regional Newsletter: Spring 2002

Regional Projects - River Parrett Trail

Bridgwater Docks will provide the setting for two ambitious public art commissions using sound and light. Artist Michael Pinsky has been commissioned by British Waterways and the River Parrett Trail to create a 'sound and light event' over a number of evenings in early May and a permanent work for the site for September.

Image: Fluxprs Michael Pinsky Photo: Michael Pinsky

Fluxprs Michael Pinsky

Photo: Michael Pinsky

Michael has undertaken many site specific works including a recent event in an inland port involving sound installations, large scale video projections and a choreographed dance with two huge cranes! He will research and develop the works with local people and will share his practice with regional artists through a professional development programme.

These commissions are part of 'Sensing the Land', a new lottery funded arts programme developed by the River Parrett Trail Partnership to reinvigorate the Trail after foot and mouth disease, increase access to the trail and to work in new ways with artists and technology.

Over the 2 year project The River Parrett Trail will also commission a footbridge and work with Take Art! to offer two 12 month residencies; a digital artist working with young people and a disabled artist exploring issues of 'access' to the Trail. The residencies will be widely advertised once funding and partnerships are in place.

For further information on: The Sound and Light Event, Professional Development Programme for Artists, or the Artists Residencies, please contact Sue Isherwood: 01278 454602 or email : [email protected].

For details of Michael Pinsky's work please look at