Blue Carpet
Pedestrian/traffic count
Summary of Traffic Counts
The traffic count can be considered in two groups
- Vehicles traveling through the area
- Vehicles accessing the area then exiting via New Bridge Street
Through the Area
- Weekday (4/12/96)
Number of vehicles in 2 hr period
AM 302
MID 414
PM 352
Late Evening 225
8 hr total 1293
- Saturday (7/12/96)
AM 166
MID 468
PM 346
Late Evening 281
8 hr total 1256
Accessing Area
- Weekday (4/12/96)
Number of vehicles in 2 hr period
AM 34
MID 124
PM 51
Late Evening 129
8 hr total 338
- Saturday (7/12/96)
Number of vehicles in 2 hr period
AM 25
MID 125
PM 235
Late Evening 260
8 hr total 645