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PASW Regional Newsletter: Autumn 2002

The Station, Bristol

Over the past two years since Station (the Former Fireboat Station) opened its doors, there have been a number of interesting discoveries made because of its unique location. On a cobbled dockside alongside Bristol's floating harbour, this tiny two roomed building has presented over thirty artists' projects, installations and exhibitions; an altogether unique setting for the artists who have sought to respond to site and meet their audience.

The Station Bristol. Photo: Louise Short.

The Station Bristol. Photo: Louise Short.

Only yesterday a group of cyclists stopped by to show their friends the 'Bristol Pilot' by Lesley Kerman, a resin block containing objects that reflect aspects of the history of the harbour. Although the sculpture is no larger than a house brick, it provokes debate and attention, both within and outside the Station. Similarly Station (no bigger than a public toilet), stimulates conversation by revealing its crucial involvement in saving lives and property during attacks from the Luftwaffe in World War 2, providing warmth and shelter for the fireman who manned the Pyronaught. Such small, intimate and historically important buildings can be usefully occupied by artists (Station had been empty for many years prior to this) and can provide a meeting point for the public not only to discuss the regeneration of inner city areas but also to encounter contemporary art.

Louise Short on 0117 9244161 or e.mail: [email protected]