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PASW Regional Newsletter: Autumn 2002

Current Projects - River Parrett Trail

'Breaking the Surface' by Michael Pinsky, Bridgwater Docks, May 3rd-5th 2002

Twenty objects, retrieved from the depths of Bridgwater Docks, played staring roles in an extraordinary sound and light installation commissioned by the River Parrett Trail. Perched motionless upon the surface of Bridgwater Docks, the discarded shopping trolleys, wheelbarrows, bikes and other artefacts were brought to life as coloured light played upon their surface and an eerie soundtrack emanated from the spaces around the dock.

Trolley, Breaking the Surface, detail of shopping trolley. Photo: Courtesy of Bridgwater Mercury

Trolley, Breaking the Surface, detail of shopping trolley. Photo: Courtesy of Bridgwater Mercury

Around 2000 people experienced 'Breaking the Surface' over three evenings in May. Despite the challenging and controversial nature of the project, recent evaluation has highlighted a very positive public response. Its success was founded on the quality of Michael Pinsky's vision and his inclusive approach, the strength of the partnerships with local groups and the cumulative effect of the project's many distinct parts such as the interactive consultation event; the public spectacle of the dredging; the young people's sound workshop; and the playing of the resulting sound piece during the events by the local radio station and residents of the docks. Building on the achievements of this first phase, Michael is now working to create a permanent artwork for the Docks which focuses on the River Parrett as a powerful tidal river. The piece will link the tide's historic significance to an emerging regional wave and tidal power industry.

For further information on the permanent and temporary commissions at Bridgwater Docks and the other projects within the River Parrett Trail's 'Sensing the Land' arts programme, please contact Sue Isherwood County Arts Officer on 01278 451201.

As part of a commitment to professional development for local and regional artists, Michael is working with Duckspool, Somerset Film and Video and Bridgwater Arts Centre to offer 'Breakthrough' a hands-on five-day residential course from 7th - 12th November and a public seminar from 2pm to 5pm on Tuesday 12th November at Bridgwater Arts Centre. Both the course and seminar will explore the issues, approaches and technology associated with producing and projecting digital work within rural and urban public spaces.

The course will cost £300 per person (Duckspool courses are usually £550) and includes accommodation, food, materials and equipment. To make this excellent opportunity as accessible as possible, some further reductions will be available through bursaries for artists living in the region. The Breakthrough Seminar at Bridgwater Arts Centre is free. For further information and bookings for both the course and the seminar please contact Peter Goldfield on 01823 451305 or log onto Deadline for course bookings 14th October.

Bronwen Gwillim, Project Manager, River Parrett Trail

e.mail: [email protected]