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PASW Regional Newsletter: Autumn 2002

Public Art in Walcot Street, Bath

Bath and North East Somerset Council was recently awarded £55,000 from the Regional Arts Lottery Programme for the implementation of an ambitious range of public art initiatives in the Walcot Street area of Bath.

The success of this bid is the result of a five-year process of different elements of the Council and independent consultants working together towards shared objectives. It all started in 1997 when Planning Services, following widespread and innovative public consultation, published the 'Walcot Street Works' document. This was in response to massive development pressure, and aimed to ensure that new development in Walcot Street contributed to the character of the area, rather than eroded it.

A key element was that it identified and demonstrated that the area was a focus for Bath's creative and artistic businesses. Amongst other things, the document sought to safeguard existing workshops whilst ensuring the provision of additional workshops to help reinforce the character. This is exactly what has happened with the soon to open Future Heritage, 2 acre mixed use Tramshed scheme, which has driven this public art initiative.

Lead Artist Chinks Grylls, has been in place since 2000, following Katy Hallett's Public Art feasibility study for Walcot Street. Chinks is involved in an integral and strategic way, in realising the commissions, which have been designed to feature artists, artisans and craftspeople who live and work on the street, alongside other regional artists.

The project, entitled 'Walcot Street Art Works', includes the design and installation of two major gateways to the Tramshed site, an archway on the public highway, new bollards, a wall mounted mixed media relief, a fresco, cycle racks, bespoke designed signage for traders, seats and the restoration of and artist input to, the historic Ladymead Drinking Fountain and Horse Trough, and the Paragon Steps.

Funding has been secured through a partnership with developers Future Heritage, contributions from Arts and Business, Bath and North East Somerset Council, Wessex Water, local traders and the Walcot Street community.

The Walcot Street Art Works project will be a fantastic boost to this very distinctive part of Bath, and with the new developments, should help to attract more people and boost the business opportunities and profile of the artistic and creative community in the area.

Stephen George, Bath & North East Somerset Council

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