Derby City Council
Leaflets for Developers and for the Public
Derby City Council has published a leaflet for developers explaining the Council's support for public art and the role of works of art in creating better environments.
The Council has also published a questionnaire leaflet entitled 'What's This, Then?', a guide for interpreting public art which encourages members of the public to really look at the artworks around the city and to find their own answers to questions about the placing of the work, its function, its meaning and so on.
Both publications are available on the Derby City Council website:
Follow this link to download the publication Public Art - A guide for developers in Adobe Acrobat Format: 1.2Mb
Follow this link to download the questionnaire leaflet What's This, Then?, a guide to interpreting public art, in Adobe Acrobat Format: 645Kb
To be able to open these documents you must have the Adobe Acrobat reader. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat follow this link to download it for free.
Further details: Helen Acton, Technical Support, Built Environment Team, Development and Cutlural Services, Derby City Council. Email: [email protected], website