ixia: public art think tank

ixia has taken over the ownership and management of Public Art Online from Arts Council England. The design and content of the website are currently being reviewed.

Birmingham City Council

Birmingham City Council has developed a small team of urban designers, Design Policy, within Planning responsible for advising on architectural and design issues in relation to public and private sector development projects. Its main roles include drawing up design briefs, development frameworks and design policies. The team is also responsible for providing design advice on planning applications and planning appeals.

The team is headed by City Design Adviser, Philip Singleton who reports directly to the Chief Planning Officer. His task is to champion good design and produce a clear design vision for Birmingham reflecting its international standing and the aspirations of its communities.

Design Policy has produced a number of Supplementary Planning Guidance documents including Places for Living, Places for All and High Places. Design Policy has also contributed to the design policies with the City's UDP. The team has also been heavily involved in major projects within Birmingham such as the Bull Ring, Brindleyplace and Attwood Green.

Update June 2008:

Public Art in Birmingham Eastside is an advice and guidance document rather than an adopted policy, and is targeted at a major regeneration area of Birmingham, the key stakeholders and developers, and council officers and public sector organisations concerned with the area. It was produced as a collaboration between Nigel Edmondson of Birmingham City Council and Samantha Wilkinson of InSiteArts, with graphics by Bharat Patel. The document aims to be a concise, focussed and comprehensible guide which identifies the key elements and mechanisms for advocating public art within a regenerating urban context.

Birmingham City Council is currently working on a Public Art Strategy, which will embody the principles of the Eastside document.

Birmingham is one of the few councils to have produced specific planning guidance advocating creative lighting and the use of artists in city lighting schemes - see 'Lighting Places' download, below.

Contact for further information:

Philip Singleton

Acting Assistant Director

City Cenre Development + Design

Planning + Regeneration

Alpha Tower

Suffolk Street Queensway


B1 1TU

Tel: 0121 303 3666; Email: [email protected]


Follow this link to download Lighting Places: A lighting strategy for the city centre and local centres of Birmingham

(February 2008) in Adobe Acrobat format: 4.92Mb

Follow this link to download Public Art in Birmingham Eastside in Adobe Acrobat format: 2.59Mb

Follow this link to download Places for Living in Adobe Acrobat format: 3.24Mb

Follow this link to download Places for All in Adobe Acrobat format: 1.8Mb

Follow this link to download High Places in Adobe Acrobate Format: 3.65Mb

To be able to open the document you must have the Adobe Acrobat reader. If you do not have Adobe Acrobat follow this link to download it for free.

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