ixia: public art think tank

ixia has taken over the ownership and management of Public Art Online from Arts Council England. The design and content of the website are currently being reviewed.

Chester City Council

Chester City Council published Supplementary Planning Guidance on Public Art in July 2004.

The Supplementary Planning Guidance provides information on the application of Chester District Local Plan policy GE 7 regarding local distinctiveness. The guidance sets out:

  • the different forms public art can take
  • the benefits public art can bring
  • recent projects and future opportunities
  • the planning policy background
  • how the local distinctiveness policy will be applied
  • the procedure to be followed in the provision of public artworks

In addition the Supplementary Planning Guidance contains four appendices which:

  • set out the North West Development Agency’s Public Art Funding
  • guidelines

  • provide a location plan indicating primary locations in the City centre
  • where the Council will seek the provision of public artworks
  • set out the Council’s local distinctiveness policy
  • provide a standard method for organising a public art competition and
  • appointing artists

It is intended that this guidance will:

  • contribute to the Council’s Public Art Strategy
  • contribute to the Council’s Local Distinctiveness Strategy
  • provide a framework for negotiations with developers to secure the provision of public art as part of new developments in Chester District, in accordance with Local Plan policy

Download the Supplementary Planning Guidance as an Adobe Acrobat format document, 1.83MB.

Further details: Adrian Tofts, Forward Planning, Chester City Council. Tel: 01244 324324; Email: [email protected].

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