London Borough of Croydon
The London Borough of Croydon adopted Supplementary Planning Guidance for Public Art in January 2005 which provides advice, design considerations and criteria on how and where to locate art features. It is non statutory planning guidance and is supplementary to the Croydon Unitary Development Plan adopted in January 1997.
The Supplementary Planning Guidance sets out the purpose of the guidance and outlines the policy context. It defines public art and its value in the public realm, and goes onto to look at design considerations in detail. There are also sections on applying the policy guidance and applying the procedures.
The full Supplementary Guidance may be downloaded in Adobe Acrobat Format from the London Borough of Croydon website at
Further details: Andrew Close, Urban Design Team, Tel: 0208 686 4433 ext 62251
The Corporate Public Art Strategy for the London Borough of Croydon was adopted in July 2005. Public Art Commissioning Guidance will also be produced.
Further details: Zlatinka Hristova, Arts Development Officer, London Borough of Croydon. Tel: 0208 686 4433 ext 61383; Email: [email protected]