ixia: public art think tank

ixia has taken over the ownership and management of Public Art Online from Arts Council England. The design and content of the website are currently being reviewed.

Borough of Poole

Supplementary Planning Guidance: Percent for Art

This supplementary guidance is an examination of the principles of % for art and a set of criteria for the guidance of developers.


1. introduction

2. objectives of this guidance

3. policy context

4. guidelines for the borough of Poole

Appendix A: Involving Artists

Appendix B: The Commissioning process

Appendix C: Budget

Appendix D: Contracts

Appendix E: Selecting Artists

Appendix F: Consultation Procedures

Appendix G: Public Relations

For further details contact: Strategic Planning Services, Civic Centre, Poole BH15 2BH

Tel: (01202) 633298 www.boroughofpoole.com

Follow this link to download the full Supplementary Planning Guidance in Rich Text Format: 90 Kb

Click here to download document (RTF)

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