Canterbury City Council
Policy Statement: Public Art Commissioning (in effect from December 2003)
Canterbury City Council recognises the important role that the arts play in contributing to the quality of life. This applies in the physical environment, and in the contribution they can make to health and well being as well as in the provision of arts activities and arts facilities.
The Council therefore endorses the principle of public art commissioning – bringing the specially commissioned work of artists and craftspeople into the public realm, both in terms of the physical environment around us and within social activity and interaction.
The Council recognises that public art commissioning works best where the artwork or project has been specially made to reflect the place and the people – that is, it is site-specific.
The Council sees public art commissioning as an important contributor to many of its cross-service strategies and provision, in particular contributing to the aims of its cultural strategy.
Download the policy as an Adobe Acrobat document, 87KB
Public Art Commissioning: Information for Developers
This information leaflet is intended to assist developers in fulfilling the Council’s requirements for public art commissioning.
It augments the summary information given in the “Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning Document” issued by the Council.
Download the leaflet as an Adobe Acrobat document, 247KB
Decommissioning Public Art: A Policy for East Kent Local Authorities
The East Kent Decommissioning Strategy was commissioned by the East Kent Local Authority Arts Partnership (comprising Ashford, Canterbury,Shepway and Thanet) and written by Hazel Colquhoun, Public Art Consultant.