ixia: public art think tank

ixia has taken over the ownership and management of Public Art Online from Arts Council England. The design and content of the website are currently being reviewed.

Bournemouth Borough Council Public Art Development Plan

Public Art in Bournemouth is developed in relation to the framework of the Public Art Development Plan.

The aim of this Plan is to:

  • incorporate public art initiatives into new and refurbished developments and environmental schemes.
  • propose new and appropriate practice in Bournemouth and draw on the best practice from elsewhere.
  • include de-commissioning, disposal issues and how public art can underpin and incorporate community safety aspirations.

Follow this link to download the Bournemouth Public Art Development Plan as an Adobe Acrobat document: 332KB

For further information contact:

Arts Development Officer (Job Share)

Gill Horitz (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday morning) / Adam Gent (Wednesday afternoon, Thursday, Friday)

Bournemouth Borough Council
22 The Triangle
Bournemouth BH2 5RQ
Tel: 01202 451805

Email: [email protected]


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