ixia: public art think tank

ixia has taken over the ownership and management of Public Art Online from Arts Council England. The design and content of the website are currently being reviewed.

Bristol City Council


city centre < legible city > outer neighbourhoods

The Bristol Public Art Strategy places public art within the planning and development process; complementary to good urban and building design; integral within new development schemes; as part of social investment in new and refurbished housing, improvements to open public space, arts and health initiatives, towards creative and neighbourhood renewal.

The strategy acknowledges wide consultation with artists, planners, architects, key service providers, arts venues and other organisations working together in the public realm.

Bristol centre promenade with beacons by Martin Richman.

The centre promenade, Bristol, with beacons by Martin Richman

An enhanced Public Art Policy and revised statements within the Bristol Local Plan 2001-2011 aim to embed public art in key renewal projects to promote city and neighbourhood identity in the future. The strategy outlines how Bristol City Council intends to implement the Public Art Policy and gives guidance to developers as to how to promote artworks of high quality in the public realm.

For further details contact:

Senior Public Art Officer, Bristol City Council
Tel: 0117 922 3694, Email: alastair_snow@bristol_city.gov.uk

Art Project Manager, Bristol City Council
Tel: 0117 922 3064, Email: jonathan_banks@bristol_city.gov.uk

Follow this link to download the Strategy Document (32 pages) as a Rich Text Format document: 128Kb

Click here to download document (RTF format)

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