ixia: public art think tank

ixia has taken over the ownership and management of Public Art Online from Arts Council England. The design and content of the website are currently being reviewed.

London Borough of Croydon

The London Borough of Croydon's Public Art Strategy 2005 - 2008, adopted in July 2005, complements the Supplementary Planning Guidance for Public Art, adopted by the Council in January 2005.

The Public Art Strategy includes a Introduction containing the vision and arguments for public art, the Strategy including the strategic context, objectives and priorities and a section on Implementation which covers the commissioning process, funding, consultation and monitoring. The Action Plan covers the three years of the strategy, and appendices show its relationship to existing national, regional, local and Borough policies and strategies.

Follow this link to download the full Public Art Strategy in Microsoft Word format: 375 Kb

Further details: Zlatinka Hristova, Arts Development Officer, London Borough of Croydon. Tel: 0208 686 4433 ext 61383; Email: [email protected] www.croydon.gov.uk


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