Southampton City Council
Public Art Strategy (SPG)
Southampton City Council's Public Art Strategy, 'Art People Places', is one of several Supplementary Planning Guidance documents produced by the Council which provide guidance on policies in the Local Plan or other Local Development Documents.
Southampton's vision for public art is to deliver outstanding contemporary art, architecture, landscape architecture and urban design practice, through the planning and development control process, in order to shape, change and improve the perception, image and visual quality of the city.
Its strategic aims focus on the contribution of public art practice in the creation of the public realm, the role of artists at the master planning or design concept stage of all key public and private sector developments, the encouragement and support of creative thinking through collaboration and multidisciplinary design teams and the involvement of local people in the planning and design of their environment.
The Strategy includes a list of keynote public art projects for the different areas of the city, for delivery between 2004 and 2010. It ends with a section giving Supplementary Planning Guidance for developers and identifying key planning documents.
Follow this link to download the Public Art Strategy as an Adobe Acrobat Document: 1.25Mb
For further details contact Elizabeth Smith, Public Arts Officer, Arts and Heritage, Southampton City Council. Tel:. 023 8083 2925;
Email: [email protected]