A Prospectus for Arts and Health (2007)
This prospectus produced jointly by the Department of Health and Arts Council England celebrates and promotes the benefits of the arts in improving everyone's wellbeing, health and healthcare, and its role in supporting those who work in and with the National Health Service.
The prospectus shows that the arts can, and do, make a major contribution to key health and wider community issues.
Published by Arts Council England.
ISBN: 978 0728713390.
Available from Marston Book Services Ltd.
Tel: 01235 465500.
Email: [email protected]
Free download from -
A Vision of Caring Environments: Arts for Health (1989)
The proceedings of the first national conference on Arts for Health in Manchester.
Published by Arts for Health, Manchester Metropolitan University. Out of print. -
Art and Healthcare (1989)
Handbook of Healthcare Arts commissioned by the Health Building Directorate of the Department of Health. Contains ideas, case studies and information on funding and sponsorship.
By Linda Moss.
Published by DHSS, Health Building Directorate. Out of print. -
Art and Nature : Healing - Design for Health in the UK and Japan (2006)
This book explores of issues and ideas on the future of healing environments in the UK and Japan, based upon the principles of evidence-based design
By Graham Cooper. Foreword by Shigeaki Hinohara.
Published by BookART in collaboration with the Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation
Available from: Graham Cooper, Harmonie, Peak Hill, Sidmouth, Devon EX10 0NW. -
Art in Hospitals (1989)
A guide and video produced by Lesley Greene about commissioning art and artists for hospitals.
Published by The Kings Fund. Out of print. -
Artists in Hospitals: Guidelines for the Voluntary Arts (2004)
Helpful introductory briefing for artists considering working in healthcare for the first time. Please note that the National Network for the Arts and Health (NNAH) referred to closed in 2006.
Published by the Voluntary Arts Network.
Free download. -
Arts in health: a review of the medical literature (2004)
This report explores the relationship of the arts to healthcare and the influence and effect they have on health. The report focuses on studies published from 1990 to 2004, looking at 385 papers from medical literature.
By Dr Rosalia Lelchuk Staricoff. ISBN: 0728710447
Published by Arts Council England.
Available from Marston Book Services Ltd.
Tel: 01235 465500. Email: [email protected]
Free download from -
Arts in Healthcare (2002)
Two publications targeted at senior healthcare managers, highlighting the developments taking place in the field of the arts, health and medical care.
1. Printed directory of key agencies working in the arts in healthcare field with a brief description of each. ISBN: 0728708663.
2. CD-ROM providing an overview of current policy within arts in healthcare, and highlights the breadth of work being undertaken. Also contains contact details of key agencies that are included in the Arts in Healthcare Directory. ISBN: 0728708655.
Published by Arts Council England.
Available from Marston Book Services Ltd.
Tel: 01235 465500. Email: [email protected] -
Arts in Hospital: Handling the Media (2006)
Guidelines for obtaining and managing media coverage for arts projects in hospital.
By Josie Aston.
Commissioned by Arts Council England.
Follow this link to download this document. -
Bristol Royal Hospital for Children Arts Catalogue (2003)
Art was integrated into the fabric and design of the new building from the start, under the direction of an arts consultant, a lead artist, and many other practitioners who produced specially commissioned art works, some based on children's ideas. The colourful catalogue illustrates completed work.
ISBN: 187028237 X.
Available free on request from Ruth Jacobs, Arts Co-ordinator, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children.
Email: [email protected] -
Designed with Care: Design and neighbourhood healthcare buildings (2006)
Fifteen wide ranging case studies of new healthcare buildings that have challenged existing ways of working, responded to the needs of their neighbourhood, created a human and reassuring environment, used space and light to create a calming atmosphere and developed an inclusive design ethos from the outset. These case studies present lessons for others involved in future healthcare buildings.
ISBN: 1846330068.
Published by Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE).
Tel: 020 7070 6700. Email: [email protected] -
Designing for Health: Architecture, Art and Design at the James Cook University Hospital (2005)
Evaluation by the Centre for Arts and Humanities in Health and Medicine (CAHHM), of the arts project at the new James Cook University Hospital in Middlesbrough. The aim of the study was 'to evaluate the extent to which a planned approach to architecture, art and design in a major tertiary care NHS hospital has a beneficial effect on patients' and visitors' experiences of the hospital and on patient and staff wellbeing.'
Published by Centre for Arts and Humanities in Health and Medicine. Tel: 0191 334 2913. Email: [email protected] -
Estatecode environments for quality care health buildings in the community (1994)
A series on art and design in primary and secondary health care.
By NHS Estates. ISBN: 0113217641. ISBN-13: 978 0113217649.
Published by HMSO.
Available from The Stationery Office (TSO).
Tel: 0870 600 5522. Email: [email protected] -
Evaluation of Enhancing the Healing Environment Programme (2007)
This report by York Health Economics Consortium for the Department of Health (NHS Estates) evaluates the second England-wide phase of the King's Fund's Enhancing the Healing Environment Programme in NHS Trusts, focusing on 9 of the 23 projects involved.
By Karin Lowson, Sophie Beale, John Kelly, Mark Hadfield. -
Exeter Health Care Arts - Evaluation and Research Project
This report is the result of an evaluation project of the work of Exeter Health Care Arts (EHCA), which has been carried out by Peter Scher and Peter Senior. This very detailed study covers the history of EHCA, an inventory of the artwork, which the project has supported, an opinion survey of users' responses to selected artwork and an opinion survey of some front-line clinical staff.
HE+ART A Participatory Arts and Health Strategy for Sligo 2007-2012 (2007)
Sligo Arts Service has a long term process to encourage a policy based strategic approach to arts and health in Sligo. The initial impetus for this initiative derived from the Maugherow Project, established in 1998 to examine the possibilities of developing a social model of health through the arts.
Published by Sligo County Council, Market Yard, Sligo, Ireland.
Tel: +353 71 9111983. Email: [email protected]
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Helping to Heal (1993)
This publication charts the growth of the 'arts for health' movement.
By Peter Senior, Jonathan Croall. ISBN: 0903319578. ISBN-13: 978 0903319577.
Published by The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation.
Available from Central Books. Tel: 0845 458 9911. Email: [email protected] -
Impressions of Barts and the London Breast Care Centre (2007)
This publication documents a research project that investigated how, if at all, the environment and the use of art affected the service delivery of patient care.
Published by Vital Arts.
Available from Vital Arts.
Tel: 020 7480 4654. Email: [email protected] -
Improving the patient experience (Series title) The art of good health: A practical handbook (2002)
Contains guidance and practical information for those wishing to set up their own arts projects in a healthcare setting or to enhance existing programmes. It covers the basics of setting up and running an ongoing arts programme, purchasing and borrowing art works, setting up changing exhibitions and commissioning artists, integrating arts into Private Finance Initiative schemes, working with artists and the effective use of publicity.
By Jane Willis. ISBN: 0113224990. ISBN-13: 978 0113224999. -
Invest to Save: Arts in Health Evaluation (Summary Report) Exploring the impact of creativity, culture and the arts, on health and well being (2008)
The objective of the Invest to Save: Arts in Health research project, was to evaluate and encourage development of arts based practices in a range of different settings and to understand more fully those benefits. Publication of the Summary Report will be followed by six individual reports giving full details of the research process and outcomes.
ISBN: 190075648X.
Published by Arts for Health.
Free download from -
London Hospitals: The Use of the Arts in Acute Trusts (2007)
Research carried out by the London Arts and Health Forum on behalf of Arts Council England, London. The study is a review of existing arts activity within acute NHS trusts in London, and is based on information provided by 19 of the 32 acute trusts. A useful benchmarking document for those with an interest in hospital-based arts programmes.
Download this report as an Adobe Acrobat document, 259KB -
Patient-focussed Architecture for Healthcare (1996)
Promotes the public's understanding of architecture and design as they affect the healing process.
By Peter Scher, with video by Peter Senior. ISBN: 1900756015.
Published by Arts for Health, Manchester Metropolitan University.
Tel: 0161 247 1091. -
Pyramids of Light (1991)
Examines work taking place in the realm of priority care and the impact the arts can have on those suffering from mental illness.
By Lee Corner. ISBN: 0904659097.
Published by Yorkshire Arts. Out of print. -
Report of the Review of Arts and Health Working Group (2007)
The report sets out the findings and recommendations of the Review of Arts and Health Working Group, which was set up by Harry Cayton, the National Director for Patient and the Public, to support him in advising the Department of Health on its role in relation to arts and health.
By Harry Cayton.
Published by the Department of Health.
Free download from -
Step by Step - a creative partnership (2003)
A commissioning guide describing the arts commissioning process for the Bristol Royal Hospital for Children.
By Lesley Greene.
Available free from Ruth Jacobs, Arts Co-ordinator, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children.
Email: [email protected] -
The Art of Dying (1989)
A record of a residency and commission for two artists at a hospice.
By Michaela Crimmin, William F Shand and Jenny A Thomas.
ISBN: 1855510480.
Published by the Kings Fund. Out of print. -
The art of good health: Using visual arts in healthcare (2002)
This book showcases some inspiring examples of the creative use of visual arts in healthcare environments, as well as considering its historical context and examining the benefits of arts projects for patients and staff alike.
By Nichola Gardner. Editor: Sarah Holmes. ISBN: 0113224982. ISBN-13: 978 0113224982
Published by The Stationery Office (TSO).
Available from TSO.
Tel: 0870 600 5522 Email: [email protected] -
The Arts and Community Engagement in LIFT (2008)
A brochure that aims to provide insight into different aspects of art ? process and product ? in LIFT. The LIFT initiative is the first coordinated programme of major investment in purpose-built facilities for NHS Primary Health Care and Local Authority community.
Published by Community Health Partnerships.
Tel: 0207 633 4113
Download this report as an Adobe Acrobat format document, 1077KB -
The Arts in a Health District (1985)
Guidelines based on a case study of an arts project feasibility study for the Isle of Wight Health District.
By Peter Coles.
Published by DHSS Health Building Directorate. Out of print. -
The Arts in Healthcare - Learning from Experience (1999)
Looks at the use of arts in healthcare in the UK and abroad, with an emphasis on research.
Editors: Duncan Haldane, Susan Loppert. ISBN: 1857172469.
ISBN-13: 978 1857172461.
Published by the Kings Fund, 11-13 Cavendish Square, London W1G 0AN.
Tel: 0207 307 2400. -
The Arts, Health and Wellbeing (2007)
This is Arts Council England's first national strategy for the arts, health and wellbeing.
ISBN: 978 0728713383.
Available from Marston Book Services Ltd.
Tel: 01235 465500. Email: [email protected]
Free download from -
The Healing Environment: Without and Within (2003)
A collection of papers written by many of the leading exponents of the arts in the healthcare movement. It covers a range of art forms, contexts from architecture to patient care, and examples of good practice in hospitals, the community and mental health programmes.
Editors: Deborah Kirklin, Ruth Richardson. ISBN: 186016191X. ISBN-13: 978 1860161919.
Published by Royal College of Physicians.
Tel: 0207 935 1174. Email: [email protected] -
West Wing - making art and architecture work for health (2005)
The book charts the transformation of a near derelict 18th century ward block into a state-of-the-art Breast Care Centre, with patients at the centre of the design process. Includes essays by the NHS Trust project manager, architect, specialist nurse, patient support group/art steering group member, hospital arts project director, curator, and artists.
ISBN: 0 9549530 0 2
Published by Barts and the London NHS Trust.
Available from: Vital Arts, Barts and the London NHS Trust.
Tel: 020 7480 4654. Email: [email protected]