ixia: public art think tank

ixia has taken over the ownership and management of Public Art Online from Arts Council England. The design and content of the website are currently being reviewed.

Strategy planning

  • A Place for Art: A Public Art Strategy for central Gloucester (2006)

    Public Art consultants Gingko Projects Ltd were appointed by the Urban Regeneration Corporation (URC) in 2005 to undertake an audit of public art in the URC area and to prepare a strategy for involving artists at the heart of the regeneration of Gloucester.

    Download the strategy

  • Bristol Public Art Strategy (2003)

    This strategy outlines how Bristol City Council intends to implement its Public Art Policy and provides guidance to developers on how to commission artworks of high quality in the public realm.
    Published by Bristol City Council.
    Free download from www.bristol-city.gov.uk

  • Designing our environment - towards a better built environment for the south west (2004)

    This publication sets out some key actions and identifies areas for improvement in the quality of development in the south west, establishing a framework to inform design in the region for the coming years.
    Published by Creating: Excellence - the south west regeneration centre.
    Free download from www.creatingexcellence.org.uk

  • Literature Review: Culture and Regeneration (2006)

    Revisits and expands the authors’ earlier research, The Contribution of Culture to Regeneration in the UK, 2004, to include recent research from around the world. Includes a useful references section.
    By Graeme Evans, Phyllida Shaw.
    Published by Arts Research Digest.

    Download the article free

  • Percent for Art: A Review (1993)

    A manual of information, case studies, policy statements and supporting material relating to Percent for Art. It draws on the experience of other countries and identifies opportunities in Britain.
    By Phyllida Shaw.
    Produced by the Arts Council of England
    Published by AN Publications. Out of print.

  • Placing Art: A Report by the Public Art Strategy Group on the future application of the Per Cent for Art Scheme by the Sligo Local Authorities (2002)

    The Sligo Local Authorities view the Per Cent for Art scheme as presenting opportunities for enhancing the quality of life through an enriched environment and through cultural inclusion for rural, village and urban communities in County Sligo. The establishment of the Placing Art, a pilot public art programme, was a bold step and prepared the ground for the implementation of future schemes.
    ISBN: 0953970426.
    Published by Sligo County Council,
    Ireland. Tel: +353 71 911 1983.
    Email: [email protected]

    Free download

  • Policies and Guidance section

    Please also look in our Policies and Guidance section for public art policies and strategies adopted by City, District, Borough and County Councils. 

  • Public Art: Per Cent for Art Scheme - General National Guidelines (2004)

    Clear, comprehensive guidelines which provide a common national approach to implementation of the Per Cent for Art Scheme for Government Departments, related agencies, Local Authorities and other public bodies in Ireland. Contains detailed information on: Funding levels, budgeting; Implementation; The stages of a public art commission step by step; Appendices covering contracts, artists brief, sample budget, evaluation; Selected bibliography and reports.
    Published by the Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism, Government of Ireland.
    Arts Unit Tel: +353 64 27334. Email: [email protected]
    Free download from www.arts-sport-tourism.gov.ie/pdfs/English-text5.pdf

  • The Contribution of Culture to Regeneration in the UK: A Review of Evidence (2004)

    Government-commissioned review to inform policy on the contribution of cultural activity to regeneration.It looks at evidence-based literature, analyses the limitations of the evidence, and gives examples of best practice in project design, delivery and measurement of impacts.Includes an extensive bibliography.
    By Graeme Evans, Phyllida Shaw.
    Published by London Metropolitan University
    Download the research paper free

  • The Strategy for Public Art in Cardiff Bay (1990)

    Report of the Public Art Consultancy team. Sets out a detailed strategy, including Percent for Art, for the role of public art in major redevelopment. Includes organisation and implementation of public art programme.

    By Vivien Lovell, Project Director.
    ISBN: 1873100000.

    Published by Cardiff Bay Development Corporation.
    Out of print.

  • Turning Point (2006)

    Report outlining Arts Council England’s strategy for the contemporary visual arts in England for the next ten years.It builds on existing investment and covers spaces and resources for production and

    presentation, including workforce and employment development, in order to meet the needs and aspirations of artists, audiences and participants.

    Published by Arts Council England

    ISBN: 0728712296

    Free download from www.artscouncil.org.uk

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