ixia: public art think tank

ixia has taken over the ownership and management of Public Art Online from Arts Council England. The design and content of the website are currently being reviewed.

Practical guides

  • Art for Architecture (1987)

    A heavily illustrated practical manual and guide setting out how to commission work and giving an overview of practice in the UK and abroad.
    Editor: Deanna Petherbridge.
    ISBN: 978 0117517943.
    Published by HMSO Publications.
    Black and white photocopy only available from The Stationery Office (TSO)
    Tel: 0870 600 5522.
    Email: [email protected]



  • Art in Public: What, Why and How (1992)

    A practical handbook for all commissioners, agencies and artists. Contents include guidance on commissions, costing, time-scales and funding examples, sites for work - permanent and temporary, covering social and physical characteristics, practical considerations including writing and presenting a proposal, making applications and how to put over ideas to commissioners.
    Editor: Susan Jones. ISBN 0907730183. ISBN-13: 978 0907730187.
    Published by AN Publications. Out of print.

  • Art with People (1995)

    Traces the cultural and political aspirations of the early pioneers and sets them beside the environment for artists in the late 20th century. It investigates why artists choose to engage directly with people, as animateurs, artists in residence and through community projects.
    Editor: Malcolm Dickson.
    Published by AN Publications. Out of print.

  • Art Within Reach (1984)

    Artists and craftsworkers, architects and patrons describe the making of public art.
    Editor: Peter Townsend. ISBN 0500973156. ISBN-13: 978 0500973158.
    Published by Thames and Hudson. Out of print.

  • Being involved in school design: a guide for school communities, local authorities, funders and design and construction teams (2004)

    A guide for school communities, local authorities, funders and design and construction teams to being involved in the school building process. Its 10 case studies provide examples of efficient involvement across a range of school building projects.
    Published by Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment (CABE).
    Free download from www.cabe.org.uk

  • Changing Places: Children's Participation in Environmental Planning (1998)

    Provides the context, real examples and the tools to guide the reader in involving young people in planning the physical environment. A wide selection of case studies provides examples of successful work with children and young people.
    By Eileen Adams, Sue Ingham. ISBN: 1899783 008.
    Published by the Children's Society. Out of print.

  • Educated about Public Art (2001)

    This book is primarily for artists, arts organizations and local authority arts officers. It is the result of research commissioned by Commissions East, funded by ACE and East England Arts. The aim was to develop an understanding of education linked to public art, to improve practice in this area and to raise awareness of the issues.
    By Eileen Adams. ISBN: 0954144708. ISBN-13: 978 0954144708.
    Published by Commissions East. Out of print.

  • Going Public: A Field Guide to Developments in Art in Public Places (1988)

    Practical manual with information on public art in the United States covering issues, policies and processes in the commissioning public art or the administration of an ongoing art programme. Appendix with sample documents including artists' contracts, Percent for Art policies, implementation, guidelines and collection management forms.
    By Jeffrey Cruikshank, Pam Korza. ISBN: 0945464002. ISBN-13: 978 0945464006.
    Published by Arts Extension Service, University of Massachusetts. Out of print.

  • Making Places - Working with Art in the Public Realm (2001)

    This book came out of an education initiative run by Public Arts. It looks at public art from many perspectives - planners, architects, artists, educators, commissioners. It is based on the experience of over 25 contributors and contains practical guidance and ideas, and sources for further research on what makes for a successful public art programme.
    By Nicola Stephenson. ISBN: 0954074807. ISBN-13: 978 0954074807.
    Published by Public Arts. Out of print.

  • Making Ways: The Visual Artists Guide to Surviving and Thriving (3rd Edition: 1992)

    Covers everything an artist/craftsperson needs to know about exhibiting, public art, using skills, promotion, studios, financial support, business, safety, training, funding bodies. Includes an extensive list of contacts.

    Editor: David Butler. ISBN: 0907730167. ISBN-13: 978 0907730163.

    Published by AN Publications. Out of print.

  • Mural Manual (3rd Edition: 1991)

    Valuable help for artists, groups, and communities involved with setting up mural projects. It contains advice on finding sites, finances, permissions, consultations, design procedures, cleaning and repairs, paint systems, tools and equipment, contracts and documentation.

    Editors: Steve Lobb, Carol Kenna. ISBN 0 907730 03 5.
    Published by the Greenwich Mural Workshop.
    Tel: 0208 473 7006. Email: [email protected]


  • Percent for Art: A Review (1993)

    A manual of information, case studies, policy statements and supporting material relating to Percent for Art. It draws on the experience of other countries and identifies opportunities in Britain.
    By Phyllida Shaw.
    Produced by the Arts Council of England . Published by AN Publications. Out of print.

  • Public Art by the Book (2005)

    A nuts and bolts guide to the complex field of public art. It is the definitive resource for local government, arts agencies, arts professionals and artists. Includes information on projects and programmes from New York, Houston, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Seattle, Portland, San Diego and more.
    Editor: Barbara Goldstein. 0295985216. ISBN-13: 978 0295985213.
    Published by University of Washington Press.
    Tel: +1 800 537 5487. Email: [email protected]


  • Public Art by the Book (2005)

    A nuts and bolts guide to the complex field of public art. It is the definitive resource for local government, arts agencies, arts professionals and artists. Includes information on projects and programmes from New York, Houston, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Seattle, Portland, San Diego and more.
    Editor: Barbara Goldstein.
    ISBN: 0295985216.
    ISBN-13: 978 0295985213.
    Published by University of Washington Press/Americans for the Arts.
    Tel: +1 800 537 5487. Email: [email protected]

  • The Artist's Guide to Public Art: How to Find and Win Commissions (2008)

    This book provides artists with all the tools and knowledge they need in order to win and produce public art commissions, as well as how to deal with project managers, contracts, conflict, and controversy. An invaluable reference book for everyone who wants to break into this highly competitive field.
    By Lynn Basa.
    ISBN: 1581155018.
    ISBN-13: 978-1581155013.
    Published by Allworth Press.
    Tel: +1 212777 8395.


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