ixia: public art think tank

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Leeds General Infirmary

Staff Project brief

50th Anniversary of NHS Arts Project

Project Brief


1998 marks the 50th anniversary of the NHS. All NHS organisations are encouraged to celebrate the occasion. The Property and Support Services subsidiary for ULTH (PSS) wishes to profile the work of PSS support workers. The skills and labour of this group provide the essential underpinning to the delivery of healthcare but are rarely acknowledged by the public and other healthworkers. It was agreed to commemorate the NHS anniversary by commissioning an artist to work with members of the PSS support work task force to create a prominent artwork feature for the Jubilee Building.

Project Aims

The project will focus on the value of the PSS support workers contribution to the delivery of healthcare with the following objectives:

  • to raise the profile of the role of the support workers as perceived by the public, staff and support workers;
  • in achieving the above, to improve self esteem and morale for the support work teams;
  • to deliver a high quality artwork to the Jubilee Building which is accessible to the widest audience;
  • in promoting the role of the PSS support workers, to respect and value the role of all other healthcare workers;
  • to adhere to the Trust's equal opportunities policies and the law;
  • to meet the required safety and building regulations.


Whilst it is envisaged that the programme for the project as a whole may require up to 20 weeks to achieve, an element of the project should be available as a temporary exhibition for 1st July 1998 to form a celebration of 50 years of the NHS at the General Infirmary at Leeds.


To be agreed, based on artist's time, overheads, materials and other labour expenses.