ixia: public art think tank

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Fact Sheet

Title of Work



Diane Maclean


Independent Public Arts, Edinburgh


Oct 1997


Oct 1998


Hillockhead, Black Isle (Feb/Mar 1998); Lochmaddy, North Uist (April/May 1998); Gairloch, Wester Ross (June/July 1998); Portree, Isle of Skye (Aug/Oct 1998)


70m x 0.25m x 0.002m (segments 2.50m long arranged to follow contours)


Stainless steel, digital sound system and recording

Total Project Budget

£17,000 for Legend

£4,000 for education, press, marketing, CD Rom, etc.

Funding Sources

National Lottery via the Arts Council of Scotland

The Highland Council

Ross and Cromarty Enterprise

Independent Public Arts

Summary Artists' Brief

To develop a project in any medium in any location in Scotland

Project Managers

Stewart Russell, Project Manager, IPA

Other Professionals Involved

Albert Smith, blacksmith

Calum Campbell, piper and composer

Calum Stewart, piper

Alasdair MacKinnon, reader

Phil Cunningham, CAP recording studios, Crask of Algas, by Beauly

Education Programme:

Pat Gulliver, Beth Hunter, Susan MacMillan, Gairloch High School; John McNaught, artist; John Vick/Finiflex, sound; Dave Newman, CDRom


WS Steele, Glasgow (sound system)

Contact For Further Information

Tom Littlewood, (formerly Director of IPA), Ginkgo Design Ltd, Whinnyhall, Victoria Avenue, Milnathort, Kinross KY13 9YE

Tel No: 01577 861685