Resources on Public Art Online
There are many resources relating to arts and health on our site in addition to the Healthcare section. These are listed below. You may also find the commissioning, artists, contracts/copyright and funding sections useful.
If you are an artist considering working in healthcare for the first time, you might like to read the Voluntary Arts Network's briefing on the subject first (please note that the National Network for Arts and Health referred to has now closed):
Voluntary Arts Network's guidance for Artists in Hospitals (2004). Adobe Acrobat file, 246KB. For further details, visit
If you have responsibilty for press and publicity for hospitals arts projects, then you may find this briefing guide useful:
Arts in Hospital: Handling the Media (August 2006). Adobe Acrobat file, 153KB.
Evaluation of the King’s Fund’s Enhancing the Healing Environment programme (2007)
Staff and Patient Impressions of the West Wing at Barts (2006)
Evaluation of arts commissioning at the James Cook University Hospital in Middlesbrough (2005)
A Study of the Effects of Visual and Performing Arts in Health Care (2002)
Patient Environments and the Arts Conference, London (2007)
The foundation of the Arts and Health South West network (2006)
The Effects of Healthcare Architecture and Art on Medical Outcomes (Ulrich, 2003)
Design and Health World Congress (2003)
Includes links to recent publications such as:
- Arts and Community Engagement in LIFT (2008)
- HE+ART: A Participatory Arts and Health Strategy for Sligo 2007—2012 (2008)
- Arts Council England / Department of Health: A Prospectus for Arts and Health (2007)
- Report of the Review of the Arts and Health Working Group (2007)
- London Hospitals: The Use of the Arts in Acute Trusts (2007)
(all of the above are available as free downloads).
Project reports
Bristol University Department of Neuroendocrinology (2004)
Aberdeen Children’s Hospital (2004)
Case studies
Moorfields Eye Hospital (2008)
Wellspring Healthy Living Centre, Bristol (2005)
Bristol Royal Hospital for Children (2002)
Leeds General Infirmary (2000)
Where to see public art in the south west
Brief details of projects, some with photos, divided by area. Many of these projects are covered more fully in other areas of the site.
Avon & Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust – Moving On, Bedminster Family Practice, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children, Knowle West Health Park – The Art of Wellbeing, University of Bristol – Dorothy Hodgkin Building, Wellspring Healthy Living Centre, Bristol.
Dorset County Hospital.
Charlton Lane Hospital, Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Trust – Leading the Way, Avon & Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust – Moving On.
Royal United Hospital NHS Trust, Bath, Avon & Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust – Moving On, Musgrove Park Hospital Phase II, Yeovil District Hospital.
Salisbury District Hospital.